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세계의 주요 언어
취업 시장에서의 경쟁력
유엔 & EU에서의 통용언어
명문 대학교와
로망스어군으로 통하는 관문
프랑스 문화
전 세계 4억 6천만 명 이상의 연사들
미국에서 두 번째로 재일 큰 언어
유엔 공식어
국제 직업 기회
라틴 아메리카의 유망한 시장
스포츠 & 예술 & 엔터테인먼트
아시아의 고등교육 지도자
좋은 해외 유학 지역
IB, 가오카오, and A-레벨
최고의 세계적 기업들
발전된 기술
전통 문화와 현대화의 공존
2030년에 경제규모 7위
다국적 기업들
세계 제일의
차별화된 선
세계에서 가장 논리적인 문자 제도
한국 팝 & 한국 드라마
10억 명이 넘는 사용 인구
학습 출판 언어
미국과 영국에 있는 최고의 대학들
비즈니스 상업에 중요한 언어
인터넷과 미디어의 언어
전 세계를 더 재미있게 여행하십시오
10억 명 연사들과 연결
중국 경제가 계속 발전하고 있다
고용 시장의 높은 수요
간단한 문법, 배우기 어렵지 않다
유서깊은 5천년의 역사
중국을 여행하고 멋진 음식을 즐길 수 있습니다
1억 3천만 명 이상의 언어 인구
영어와 60%의 유사도를 가진 언어
보편적이고 질 좋은 고등교육
세계 4위권의 경제
디자인 & 기술력의 선도자
스포츠, 예술, 역사 & 고급 요리
인기있는 선생님을 만나보세요
경쟁이 치열한 채용을 통해 프로세스, 우리는 가장 자격을 갖춘 최고의 결과를 제공하는 교사 당신의 아이

Julie was born and raised in France! She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Victor Hugo University, Master’s degree in Finance, and an MBA from the renowned Burgundy Business School and La Trobe University in Australia. She also holds the FLE and the French online teaching professional qualification certificate!

Samantha was born and raised in Mexico! She graduated from Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez and majored in education with a concentration in child education psychology. Samantha has more than 8 years of Spanish teaching experience for children aged 3-12, designs teaching curriculum, and engages in educational research!

Yan was born and raised in Spain! He graduated from Universidad de Almería, majoring in elementary education. After graduation, he taught at two primary schools in Valencia, Spain. Yan obtained a degree in computer engineering from Universidad Cardenal Herrera. Yan also coaches young athletes in basketball and football!

Ms. Miki is a Japanese teacher from Tokyo with an native Tokyo accent! She graduated from a prestigious private university in Shibuya, Tokyo. She has been teaching elementary and middle schools in Japan for over thirty years. Ms. Miki hope that her students through study, can enrich their and to further explore the world.

Mr. Jang is a native Korean teacher born and raised in South Korea, who has been teaching at various high schools in South Korea for many years. Given the academic success of his students, he has become a reputable tutor in the Korean education industry. Through Duunokid's online platform, Jang hopes that children can learn more, and enrich their lives.

Karolina was born and raised in the United States! She studies Linguistics at the University of Chicago. She has a profound knowledge on children language acquistion. She also studied at Université de Paris and conducted education research in Morocco. She taught English to children and designed her own teaching curriculum in the US and abroad!

Naoko was born and raised in Japan! She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Communication from Toyo Eiwa University. She taught Japanese at San Diego State University in the United States, Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros in Mexico, and Higashi Takatsu Junior High School in Japan. She currently teaches Japanese at Nishi-Shinjuku Elementary School in Tokyo!

Gary was born and raised in UK. He graduated and obtained a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in psychology from a well-known university. He is a professional child psychologist. He is energetic and passionate about education. Gary's wish is to bring English knowledge to children all over the world!

Marisa was born and raised Mexico! She has over 12 years of experience teaching languages to young children. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Preschool Education and a Master's degree in Applied Educational Research from Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México. She also obtained a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Brigham Young University, USA!

Amélie was born and raised in France! She has a master’s degree in Biology from Université Lille 1 and achieved the highest level of French as a second language certificate from the French Ministry of Education. She has been a professor at Universidad Del Mar in Mexico for 16 years!

Laura was born and raised in Spain! She holds a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics and Teaching Spanish as a Second Language from Universidad Antonio de Nebrija University in Madrid. She also has the DELE examiner certification, the most prominent Spanish examination. She is an experienced Spanish teacher who has taught in the UK, Germany, and Spain!

Kai was born and raised in the United States! He graduated and obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in education from the University of California, Berkeley. Kai has over 10 years of experience in teaching English to young children and designs his own teaching curriculum!

Mr. Ernesto was born in Mexico! He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University del Valle de Mexico. With over 8 years of teaching experience, Mr. Ernesto taught at many institutions such as Collège Jacques Prévert, Merida Center in Spain, and the Bachillerato School in Mexico!

Ms. Ayaka’s from Japan, and graduated from Nanzan University with a Bachelor's degree in East Asian Languages and Literature. She obtained the Japanese elementary school teacher qualification certificate and taught for 6 years at Meiko Gijuku. Currently, she works as a Japanese teacher at a South Korean international school!

Mr. Mike was born in the USA. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Psychology from a world-renowned university in California. There, he began his teaching journey serving as a teaching assistant. He also served 4 years in the US Navy, visiting many countries and gaining an appreciation for various cultural experiences and languages.

Born in France, Ms. Celine graduated with a Master's degree in Primary School Teaching from the University of Toulouse. She holds a teacher's qualification certificate issued by the French Ministry of Education. Ms. Celine’s taught for 6+ years, and is looking forward to experiencing the beauty of French with her students!

프랑스Julie was born and raised in France! She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Victor Hugo University, Master’s degree in Finance, and an MBA from the renowned Burgundy Business School and La Trobe University in Australia. She also holds the FLE and the French online teaching professional qualification certificate!

멕시코Samantha was born and raised in Mexico! She graduated from Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez and majored in education with a concentration in child education psychology. Samantha has more than 8 years of Spanish teaching experience for children aged 3-12, designs teaching curriculum, and engages in educational research!

스페인Yan was born and raised in Spain! He graduated from Universidad de Almería, majoring in elementary education. After graduation, he taught at two primary schools in Valencia, Spain. Yan obtained a degree in computer engineering from Universidad Cardenal Herrera. Yan also coaches young athletes in basketball and football!

일본Ms. Miki is a Japanese teacher from Tokyo with an native Tokyo accent! She graduated from a prestigious private university in Shibuya, Tokyo. She has been teaching elementary and middle schools in Japan for over thirty years. Ms. Miki hope that her students through study, can enrich their and to further explore the world.

대한민국Mr. Jang is a native Korean teacher born and raised in South Korea, who has been teaching at various high schools in South Korea for many years. Given the academic success of his students, he has become a reputable tutor in the Korean education industry. Through Duunokid's online platform, Jang hopes that children can learn more, and enrich their lives.

미국Karolina was born and raised in the United States! She studies Linguistics at the University of Chicago. She has a profound knowledge on children language acquisition. She also studied at Université de Paris and conducted education research in Morocco. She taught English to children and designed her own teaching curriculum in the US and abroad!

일본Naoko was born and raised in Japan! She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Communication from Toyo Eiwa University. She taught Japanese at San Diego State University in the United States, Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros in Mexico, and Higashi Takatsu Junior High School in Japan. She currently teaches Japanese at Nishi-Shinjuku Elementary School in Tokyo!

영국Gary was born and raised in UK. He graduated and obtained a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in psychology from a well-known university. He is a professional child psychologist. He is energetic and passionate about education. Gary's wish is to bring English knowledge to children all over the world!

멕시코Marisa was born and raised Mexico! She has over 12 years of experience teaching languages to young children. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Preschool Education and a Master's degree in Applied Educational Research from Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México. She also obtained a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Brigham Young University, USA!

프랑스Amélie was born and raised in France! She has a master’s degree in Biology from Université Lille 1 and achieved the highest level of French as a second language certificate from the French Ministry of Education. She has been a professor at Universidad Del Mar in Mexico for 16 years!

스페인Laura was born and raised in Spain! She holds a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics and Teaching Spanish as a Second Language from Universidad Antonio de Nebrija University in Madrid. She also has the DELE examiner certification, the most prominent Spanish examination. She is an experienced Spanish teacher who has taught in the UK, Germany, and Spain!

미국Kai was born and raised in the United States! He graduated and obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in education from the University of California, Berkeley. Kai has over 10 years of experience in teaching English to young children and designs his own teaching curriculum!
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